Instructions for Oral Presentations
• Templates for the oral presentations will not be provided, nevertheless please follow general customs and recommendations concerning the used font size and screen space organization assuring good readability of your slides and clearness of your presentation as a whole.
• Each talk is planned for 20 minutes comprising 15 minutes of presentation followed by 5 minutes of discussion and speaker switch. We kindly ask all the speakers to keep the time of their presentations.
• Please bring your own laptop to present from, or use the one provided in the room (Windows with PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader).
• In case you want to use the provided PC or have any videos in your presentation - please test your presentation with the on-site PC in sufficient advance prior your presentation.
• Please be present in the session room at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time of your session and follow the instructions by the session chair and technician.
• Available AV Equipment in the hall will be: PC (will be put on the lectern), beamer, presenter (remote control), timer, sound system, microphones.